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Section: Research Program

Toward more understandable deep learning

Nowadays, deep learning techniques efficiently solve supervised tasks in classification or regression by utilizing large amounts of labeled data and the powerful high level features that they learn by using the input data. Their good performance has caught the attention of the optimization community since currently these methods offer virtually no guarantee of convergence, stability or generalization. Deep neural networks are optimized through a computationally intensive engineering process via methods based on stochastic gradient descent. These methods are slow and they may not lead to relevant local minima. Thus, more efforts must be dedicated in order to improve the training of deep neural networks by proposing better optimization algorithms applicable to large-scale datasets. Beyond optimization, incorporating some structure in deep neural networks permits more advanced regularization than the current methods. This should reduce their complexity, as well as allow us to derive some bounds regarding generalization. For example, many signal processing models (e.g. those based on multiscale decompositions) exhibit some strong correspondence with deep learning architectures, yet they do not require as many parameters. One can thus think of introducing some supervision into these models in order to improve their performance on standard benchmarks. A better mathematical understanding of these methods permits to improve them, but also to propose some new models and representations for high-dimensional data. This is particularly interesting in settings such as the diagnosis or prevention of diseases from medical images, because they correspond to critical applications where the made decision is crucial and needs to be interpretable. One of the main applications of this work is to propose robust models for the prediction of the outcome of cancer immunotherapy treatments from multiple and complementary sources of information: images, gene expression data, patient profile, etc (collaboration with Institut Gustave Roussy).